Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's New Year's Eve...

..... Now that I have pointed out the obvious, I hope everyone has an awesome end to the holidays. I have lots to share, but have had no time to update, but you should know that it involves a flat tire, and white trash at Walmart, not necessarily in the same post. Happy new year!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

EDIT!! This Sketchy Looking Statue

Okay, when I walk across campus, I usually cut through the church parking lot instead of walking around the campus. I do this more often when it is raining, like today. I have to say, I love walking through the church's pathways, because in the summer, it is very beautiful. However, the scene is ruined by this picture.

Dear God, why is this in front of the church?

I'm sharing this because I need to know that I'm not the only one who thinks this looks like an eternal blowjob that was saved in stone. It's the first thing I think. Not "what a kind roman soldier, giving his cape to a peasant". No, I think "dirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty". And then I usually giggle a little to myself, because I have the mentality of a 12 year old boy when it comes to sexual things. And, I had really hope that maybe it was just the angle I saw the statue at, but this picture shows that I was wrong.

Easy does it peasant, I"m sensitive.

So, I guess as long as I attend this school and live across campus from my classes, I will get to snicker at the everlasting blowjob. By the way, I'll get a picture of the front of the statue at some point when it stops raining, when I was going to take the picture, people were giving me funny looks, and I got a little paranoid.

Okay So I got a picture from the front, and I'm not sure if it's much better than the others.

Suck it bitch, don't MAKE me shank you! I SAID SUCK IT!!!!

Yeah, I think having a knife the the head of the peasant negates the niceness of covering them in your cloak. And just something I feel the need to point out, I can't tell if the peasant is male of female, but either way the soldier is making a bitch out of them. However, if I was a soldier demanding a blowjob, I would move the knife to the OTHER side of the peasant's face, to make my massive Roman dick more available. Because it's only polite. 

Monday, December 12, 2011


So, last year I was introduced to a game called Pandemic 2. The goal of the game is to kill the world via infection (for those of you who have never heard of it before, you can play it here).  However, I have never beat the game, because Madagascar ALWAYS closed their ports before I could infect the island. Well, today I decided to play again for the first time in month, just for shits and giggles. So I made my infection (a parasite called Fuckitis, which is funny cause it looks almost like fuck tits), and started in New Zealand. I laid low, and made my infection as invisible as possible. I sat for about 15 minutes before pausing for my exam. Upon returning, is continued to wait for my disease to grow for at least another 20 minutes. Finally the bug jumped ship to India, and almost the rest of the world. I had almost the entire world, but still Madagascar, Australia, Peru, and Argentina evaded me.

For those of you who don't see it, see below.

That's right bitches, I took Madagascar. 

Taking Madagascar basically means you are going to win, and the people of the world need to accept their fates, and stop being pussys about it. All I had left was Peru and Argentina, who were just a matter of time.

I may or may not have said "Die for me, Argentina"

Needless to say, I infected the whole world. And then I ramped up the symptoms. That's right those infected no longer just felt nausea, dizziness, and fever. No, They now had dementia, pulmonary edema, insanity, and boils. Since shit had gotten real, and most people couldn't handle it, the world quickly dies off, until only China was left.

Because, honestly, there are just THAT MANY people in China.

The population steadily dropped (because they kept killing off their daughters, so there were clearly only dudes left)

Like I said, I'm sure these were the last two dudes on earth. I like to think they had a brotherly moment.

Finally, my last two china-men, probably coughing up their lungs, and vomiting up their souls, died, aaaaand:

"Congrats, you just wasted an hour killing fake people!"

I'm not saying that i'm proud of my time wasting, but I DID kill the world with Fuckitis. How many people can say that? Yeah, I'm lame. 

Autumn and I study well

We are studying...... well, I'm on damn you autocorrect, and she is looking up increasingly disturbing sex toys. The stuff Autumn is finding just keeps getting worse. I just need to know, why would anyone need a 18 inch dildo? In all seriousness, why would you want your ass to be that loose? Wouldn't you be worried that you would shit your pants all the time? I will close this post by informing you that Autumn just found a site that sells dolphin vaginas. Have fun with that image, I'm going to go bleach my eyes now.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I am Losing My Mind.

Finals week is only just starting, and I only have 1 exam tomorrow, but i still feel the need to distract my roommate. How, might you ask? Whenever she talks to me, I respond with an awful dinosaur-like sound. We can now not stop laughing, and she still has lots of studying for tomorrow.

Just Something I Need to Say

Is there anything worse then having to go to a freezing bathroom to pee? Seriously, the cold makes it next to impossible to urinate, it feels like I may be peeing an icicle.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Extreme Couponing

So, Melissa and I have been watching extreme couponing today. I first have to say that I think these people are both amazing and crazy. I know fully well I couldn't do it, as I told Melissa "I don't have the time, or the patience...... or the math skills".

Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Not Sure Why I'm Surprised....

....... Today it started to snow. Which isn't a big deal, because I love snow. But when Melissa and I were walking back from the sauna, someone had drawn a phallus in the snow. And I laughed like a crazy person.

The awkward moment...

......when your roommate decides to become a webcam girl, and never leaves her room.

I love when..

I get to lay around in sweatpants all day and not have to worry about classes anymore. This is the point where I don't give a flying fuck. I just want to go home for the holidays.

That awesome moment......

.....When you realize classes are done, finals will be a breeze, and Christmas is 16 days away.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cartoons from Autumn: Studying

Hello everyone! I'm introducing cartoons my roommate Autumn has drawn. They are pretty hilarious, and really just truths of life. So, here is the first of many. This one is entitled 'Studying'

6:00pm "Study, study,study, I have to study for this test"
10:00pm "Knowledge, must obtain knowledge"
2:00am "So.... many..... equations...."
6:00am "Finally, done studying."
"My head feels funny, I wonder cramming is bad for you"

This has been a Autumn Cartoon.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Autumn taught me a new song!

*To the tune of 'Happy and You Know It'*
If it's longer than it's wide, it's a phallus
If it's longer than it's wide, it's a phallus
If it's shorter than it's wide,
Then you turn it on it's side,
Now it's longer than it's wide,
And it's a phallus!

Things College Kids do...

We stress at this point in the semester, because it is the last week of classes, we didn't do any of your projects ahead of time, and they are due tomorrow. We curse the world at this point, and ask why we ever wanted to get a higher education. We also have a ton of studying to do, but that can wait till the night before our tests.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Philosophical thinking

Myself and my roomie, Melissa, have come to the conclusion that more men need to walk around with puppies. attractive men more so. Women love puppies, and eye candy. Just a thought guys :)

Holy Milkshakes, Batman!

My roommate, Autumn, will be having her third milkshake today. My other roommate, Melissa, will be having her second. and somehow i missed the first 2 milkshake opportunities today, will be having my first and only milkshake of the day. Thanks roommies, thanks a lot.

Ruining Nice Things

My roommates started to sing carol of the bells, with harmonies and everything. this went on for a few minutes before i broke and started singing 'ding fries are done', doofy voice and all.

Diet Choice...

Last night my roommates and I decided to eat mozzarella sticks (with sauce inside!! ooooooh we FANCY!!) and since that wasn't nearly enough, we made milkshakes. Oh, did I mention we did this at midnight?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

College Kids Love To......

spend all their time on the internet, usually to procrastinate that huge project due next week. Because we can totally get that shit done the night before.....

Things College Kids do...

They go to sam's club on the membership given to them by their parents, bring friends, and eat all the free samples for lunch.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My stats prof decided that we needed to review with something fun for our exam on monday. we did a bunch of harry potter themed stats problems. Best. Class. Ever!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

meg: let's go look at the bed in a bag!
Me: yea, i wanna know how they get matress in there!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So, this is blogging?

hey, just a hello to the blogger universe. I'll probably post randomly, about whatever i feel like. yup, that's about it.