Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I For One Have Had Quite a Break....

Well, the semester ended on 12/16/2011. Cool, right? I get out over a week before Christmas......... Oh wait, I have guard rehearsals that weekend? All day? And I can't stay in my apartment? Awesome. So I packed my bags, and stayed with my wonderful roommate, Melissa, whose family has practically adopted me as another daughter. I survive Saturday and Sunday rehearsals, no problem. I figure, I'll wake up, grab a quick bite to eat, and be on my way. I packed my car, and hugged Melissa, and tell her I'll let her know when I safely make it home. She throws out there, off hand, that if anything happens, just call. She's more than happy to help me out if anything happens. I thank her, but naturally, don't plan on making such a call.

This is the point, when i should have stopped to think...... everything was going smoothly...... TOO smoothly. Nothing ever works this well for me. Naturally, Murphy's Law had to rear it's ugly head. (because, my last name IS Murphy).....

10:30am: I start up my tunes in preparation of the three and a half hour drive to Rochester. I filled my gas tank, and then was off.
10:35: My car starts shaking uncontrollably. So naturally, I pull over.
10:36: I get out of my car, and check my tires. The front one looks fine. the back one is flatter than a pancake.
10:37: I throw a tantrum on the side of the road, because God hates me, and nothing can go right for me.
10:40: I pull out my cell phone, to call my mom, and see what to do.
10:40.5 I throw another tantrum, because my phone is almost dead. Because God REALLY hates me.
10:41: I remember I have a car phone, thanks to buying a Chevy. I call my mom, who proceeds to laugh her ass off. Because she also knows that God hates me, and nothing can go right for me. The conversation went something like this:
Mom: Hello?
Me: Mom, I need help.
Mom: why, what's going on?
Me: I got a flat tire.
Mom: ............................... HaAHAHAHAHAHAHA really?
Me: It's not funny, what do i do?
Mom: (still laughing a bit) uuhh call AAA. And Melissa.
Me: okay, thanks.
Mom: where are you calling from?
Me: the car phone.
Mom: why?
Me: Because my cell phone died.
Me: Bye mom. You're a jerk.
Mom: Don't talk to people who "try to help you". the only thing that could make this worse, is you getting murdered by a man with an axe.
Me: Bye mom.

10:43: I then wrote down Melissa's number, before my phone died for good. Also, I was cursing the world.
10:44 I called onstar for roadside assistance. They said it would be about 45 minutes before someone would show up.
Awesome. Did I mention it was cold as fuck outside? and windy as hell? No? Well, It was. and all i could do was sit in my car, and wait.
10:45: I keep calling Melissa, who NEVER HAS HER PHONE ON HER WHEN I NEED HER.
10:50: I finally get a hold of Melissa, who also laughs at me. She then sets out to pick me up, and also to point and laugh.
11:10: Melissa shows up. And tells me she didn't mean for me to take her up on her offer for help.
11:20: Roadside Assistance finally shows up. and puts my spare on. Meanwhile, Melissa called her dad.
11:25: Melissa starts to lead me to a place to get my tire fixed.
11:45: we finally show up at Dunn Tire, because I had a max speed of 40mph.

So I walk inside, just short of an emotional breakdown. I walk up to the counter, lean over, look at the guy and ask him........ "So, do you guys fix tires?"
Worker: uhh yea, we fix tires, why? (his face looked at me like "are you fucking retarded? you are at dunn TIRE. We know TIRES. I'm pretty sure we fix TIRES")
Me: Because I have a tire in the trunk of my car, which I really hope you can fix.
Worker: okay, let me see it.

I walked him out to my car, while Melissa talked his ear off about how her dad sent us here, and they always bring their cars there, and we took the extra time to drive right to that location. I opened the trunk, and using some form of black magic, bounced the tire 4 times off the ground and decided he could fix it.
Well he did fix it, and he fixed it for free. I went to Melissa's, put the fixed tire on, and was on my way at 1pm.
The moral of the story: learn how to put your own tire on your own car. I could have saved so much time if i had been able to swap my own tire. also, there are still good people in the world, because that guy could have charged me a fortune to fix my tire. But yea, at least I made it home in the end.